Agri-Food Cluster North Savo joins Valio Food 2.0 ecosystem

North Savo Agri-Food Cluster has been approved as a member of Food 2.0. Ecosystem. Food 2.0 is an extensive research, development and innovation project that aims to create nature-smart food system in Finland. Our Cluster joins the ecosystem to boost development in North Savo. 

Agri-Food Cluster’s manager Ardita Hoxha-Jahja has been active in building collaboration with the Food 2.0 program and participating their events. 

Agri-Food Cluster North Savo together with Agri-Food Network project and Future Farm project team participated in the Valio Food 2.0 event in Helsinki, focusing on The Food Sector’s Transformation Towards Digitalization and the Data Economy. The event, organized by the Food 2.0 and Food Data Finland programs, explored how data impacts all actors in the food chain. From optimizing processes and meeting legislative requirements to driving growth in the data economy, the discussions highlighted the critical role of data in shaping the future of the food sector.

Key topics included:
📌 Corporate culture changes towards digitalization
📌 Preparing for EU legislative data requirements
📌 Enhancing data quality and leveraging global standards for export
📌 The added value of data and AI for food traceability and process optimization

– We are excited to join the ecosystem and the cooperation and development opportunities it brings to the food industry operators in North Savo, says Hoxha-Jahja. 


Food 2.0 themes

Future products

Technology transformation

Regenerative production

Circular economy and resource efficiency

Kåre Björkstran Viexpolta esitteli Viexpon toimintaa ja kertoi elintarvike- ja ruokaviennin yleisimmistä haasteita.

Click here for more information on the Food 2.0 program 


Food 2.0 is extensive research, development and innovation project, aiming to create a Finnish nature-smart food system in which growth, profitability and added value are built on the basis of sustainable production. The Food 2.0 project has been granted EUR 10 million funding in Business Finland’s challenge competition for leading companies. Valio is the first food company that Business Finland has chosen as a leading company. (Valio Food 2.0)