North Savo meets Africa: Food system perspectives from Zambia 28.3.2025

📅 Date: 28.3.2025

🕙 Time: 12:00-14:30

📍 Location: Kampussydän, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Microkatu 1 Kuopio


  • 12:00 Opening and welcome
  • Keynote 1: Food science perspectives from Africa, Dr. Vincent Nyau
  • Keynote 2: Land resource management in agriculture-insights from Zambia, Prof. Lydia Mumbi Chabala 
  • Keynote 3: Waste4Soil and SoilProm, Dr. Tuomo Eskelinen and Dr. Ardita Hoxha-Jahja
  • Panel discussion
  • 14:30 Summary and closing

Keynote speakers from University of Zambia

Dr. Vincent Nyau / Assistant Dean & Senior Lecturer, University of Zambia

Dr. Vincent Nyau is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, School of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Zambia. He has expertise in food processing, post-harvest technologies, and nutraceuticals. Dr. Nyau’s broader research interests are in the areas of post-harvest technologies, food processing and nutraceuticals. The current focus is on exploring plant based foods for possible nutraceutical potential (health promoting properties). Source: University of Zambia

Prof. Lydia Mumbi Chabala /  Assistant Dean Research & Associate Professor Department of Soil Science, School of Agricultural Sciences, University of Zambia

Professor Lydia M. Chabala joined the university as a lecturer in February 2003. Since joining the UNZA she has been involved in teaching, research, and consultancy and community service. She currently teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in land use, pedology and pedometrics. She is also involved in teaching application of geographical information system in land management as well as agriculture in general. Her research interest are in the areas of sustainable land and natural resource management, remote sensing, pedometrics and soil ecosystem services in a changing climate. Source: University of Zambia